What does UNCRC stand for?

Wrong – Oops! The right answer is the United National Convention on the Rights of a child.

The UNCRC is an international agreement, setting out the rights that all children and young people have - everywhere in the world, no matter who they are, where they live or what they believe in.


That’s right! UNCRC stands for The United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child.

The UNCRC is an international agreement, setting out the rights that all children and young people have - everywhere in the world, no matter who they are, where they live or what they believe in.


The UNCRC contains articles on children’s rights to ensure every child has the right to be involved in making decisions, planning and reviewing any action that might affect them. How many articles do you think are in the UNCRC?

Wrong – Incorrect. The UNCRC has 54 articles: It protects the rights of children and young people up to 18 years of age across the world.


Right – That’s correct. The UNCRC has 54 articles: It protects the rights of children and young people up to 18 years of age across the world.


Participation is one of the main themes of the UNCRC. These articles are based on the idea of the child or young person as someone who actively contributes to society as a citizen. Which article best describes the phrase “having a voice – having a choice”?

Wrong – Oops! The correct answer is c, Article 12. Article 12 says that every child has the right to be involved in making decisions, planning and reviewing any action that might affect them.


Right – Well done that’s correct! Article 12 says that every child has the right to be involved in making decisions, planning and reviewing any action that might affect them.


Which of these do you think is not a right under the UNCRC?

Wrong – That is incorrect. A right to join the army even if you’re under 15 is NOT covered by the UNCRC. A right to food and water is covered by article 24, which gives children the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food. A right to be safe is covered by article 19 of the UNCRC which makes it clear that children and young people have the right to be protected from violence and the right to dignity.


Right – That is correct! A right to food and water is covered by article 24, which gives children the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food. A right to be safe is covered by article 19 of the UNCRC which makes it clear that children and young people have the right to be protected from violence and the right to dignity.


Article 31 of the UNCRC outlines a child's right to have fun and take part freely in cultural activities. What do you think is the main activity outlined in Article 31?

Wrong – oops! That is incorrect, Article 31 states that all children have a right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of activities.


Right – Correct, Article 31 states that all children have a right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of activities


Articles 43 – 53 cover the adults and governments responsibility to children and young people. What do you think these articles outline?

Wrong – That is incorrect. Articles 43-53 work to ensure that a child's rights are kept to by adults and governments


Right – Well done! Articles 43 – 53 work to ensure that a child's rights are kept to by adults and governments


Who checks whether the UNCRC is being followed in Wales?

Wrong – Oops! In Wales, the Welsh Government are legally responsible for children’s rights under the ‘Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011 – underlining Wales’ commitment to children’s rights and the UNCRC.


Right – Yes, the Welsh Government are legally responsible for children’s rights under the ‘Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011 – underlining Wales’ commitment to children’s rights and the UNCRC.


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Want to know more about children's rights? You can find out more about children's rights and welsh government's role in promoting the UNCRC here:


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Want to know more about children's rights? You can find out more about children's rights and welsh government's role in promoting the UNCRC here: